Chicken and Dumpling Soup – My First Time!

I’ve been surfing the web for various recipe ideas, and I’ve stumbled across something called Chicken and Dumpling Soup. Yum, soup!

And dumplings? Even better.

So despite my “need” to avoid dairy, I tried this recipe anyway, and it turned out delicious, rich, and flavourful. A few modifications to the recipe included the omission of green beans, and parsley, and the addition of extra broth into the soup. I also used meat from half a chicken, rather than from a whole chicken. Future modifications to the recipe, would be less dumplings. While I enjoyed the addition of the dumplings, I thought it was too much for my liking, and thickened the soup too much. I think, had I not made these modifications, my soup would have turned out to be more of a stew, than a soup. But perhaps that is the selling point of this soup. It’s a thick, flavourful and rich soup, that can stand alone on it’s own, as a meal.

I may try another Chicken and Dumpling soup recipe, to make a better comparison of what constitutes as a good Chicken and Dumpling Soup. I’m not fully convinced that the recipe that I tried, is the best one, especially as I mentioned a bit earlier, it was more of a stew than a soup.

Here is the recipe I chose to try:

If anybody else can recommend another variation on this recipe, please let me know!  I would definitely be willing to give it a try!